Annie jr script and songs for the musical scene 1
Annie jr script and songs for the musical scene 1

annie jr script and songs for the musical scene 1

‼️SPOILER for ‘Villains Are Destined to Die’ - Yandere men, my guilty pleasure 💀🚩 + some are NOT the male lead !! #parkyoonsoo #baeksiyun #dylanblade #reinhart #luciandeleon #gizzida #heewushin #magnusdcloude #eckles #alexanderarfad #yandere #yanderes #yanderemales #yanderemen #trapped #olgami #dreamingfreedom #freeindreams #thetamingofthetyrant #itamedatyrantandranaway #ifailedtooustthevillain #failedtoabandonthevillain #ibecametheyoungersisterofaregretfulobsessivemalelead #thegoldenforest #thescript #thebeasttamedbythevillainess #thebeasttamedbytheevilwoman #deathistheonlyendingforthevillainess #villainsaredestinedtodie #thereasonwhyopheliacantgetawayfromtheduke #manhwa #webtoon #foryoupage #fypħ7.9K Likes, 547 Comments.

Annie jr script and songs for the musical scene 1