Ethiopian building code standard electrical installation of building
Ethiopian building code standard electrical installation of building

Haile Assegidie Minister Ministry of Works and Urban Development 1995 All feedback received will be carefully reviewed by professional experts in the field of building construction with a view to possible incorporation of amendments in future editions. The Ministry welcomes comments and suggestions on all aspect of the Ethiopian Building Code Standards. As these standards are technical docum~nts which, by their very nature, require periodic updating, revised editions will be issued by the Ministry from time to time as.appropriate. The major benefits to be gained in applying these standards are the harmonization of professional practice and the ensuring of appropriate levels of safety, health and economy with due consideration of the objective conditions and needs of the country. The purpose of these standards is to serve as nationally recognized documents, the application of which is deemed to ensure compliance of buildings with the minimum requirements for design, construction and quality of materials set down by the National Building Code. In exercise of these powers and in discharge of its responsibility, the Ministry is issuing a series of Building Code Standards of general application.

ethiopian building code standard electrical installation of building ethiopian building code standard electrical installation of building

41/1993 empowers the Ministry of Works and Urban Development to prepare the Country's Building Code, issue Standards for design and construction works, and follow up and supervise the implementation of same. FOREWORD The Proclamation to define the powers and duties of the Central and Regional Executive Organs of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia No.

Ethiopian building code standard electrical installation of building